We are interested in exhibiting at HGH India 2025 scheduled for November 25-28, 2025 at Bengaluru. Information about our organisation is given below.

Mode of Participation:*

sq. mtrs.
Please Tick : Type of booth required*
Opening *
Brand/s *
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Organization Head

Contact Person

Please accept our request and allocate space accordingly

Important Note:

* These fields are compulsory to fill.

Please note that this is only an Exhibitor Request Form and not Exhibitor Contract Form. Our team will contact you immediately with further details once you fill in this request form. You become an Exhibitor only after your Exhibitor Contract Form, along with payment is accepted by us.

If you find any difficulty in filling Exhibitor Request Form, for assistance or queries, please contact:


Mr. Lakshay Sharma
Tel. No. +91 (22) 6997 1122
Mobile: +91 99 676 00257
Email: lakshay.sharma@hghindia.com


Mr. Yash Menghani
Tel. No. +91-11-2571 411
Mob. No. +91 93 119 60399
Email: aman.panwar@hghindia.com

Mr. Mukesh Agarwal
Tel. No. +91-22-2421 4111
Mob. No. +91 98 213 10453
Email: mukesh.agarwal@hghindia.com